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For those who have had LASIK surgery done, it has vastly improved their lives. But LASIK isn’t right for everybody. Depending on your particular vision problem, LASIK may not be able to give the desired results. Learn more about LASIK eye surgery and how it can improve your way of living by improving your way of seeing.

LASIK Surgery is Safe and Effective

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently released its comprehensive multi-study review of LASIK surgery’s efficacy and safety giving the procedure the highest possible ratings. The FDA found that over 95% of survey respondents achieved 20/20 vision or better after their LASIK procedure. In addition, findings support that other symptoms such as ghosting and glare do not increase after the procedure, and may even be alleviated with LASIK surgery. Furthermore, the FDA reported a low risk of side effects and complications, and most normal post-surgical discomfort or visual side effects completely resolve within six months of the procedure.

LASIK (“laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is laser eye surgery that permanently changes the shape of the cornea (the clear window on the front of the eye) in order to improve vision and reduce a person’s dependency on glasses or contact lenses. LASIK has now been safely performed, with stable and consistent results, as an FDA-approved surgery for over 15 years. LASIK surgery is most often performed on people who are disappointed with their glasses or contact lenses. The surgery corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Safety with LASIK

How LASIK Works

For clear vision, the eye’s cornea and lens must bend (refract) light rays perfectly, so that images are focused clearly on the retina. Otherwise, the images will be blurry, also known as “refractive error.” This refractive error is caused by an irregularity in the curvature of the cornea and the length of the eye. LASIK uses a femtosecond laser to create a very thin layer of protective tissue and an excimer laser to precisely reshape the cornea, allowing light rays to be focused clearly on the retina. It is an outpatient surgical procedure and takes 4 to 5 minutes to perform.

Anesthesia involves eye drops that numb the surface of the eye. The procedure is done while you are awake, but patients receive a mild sedative to help relax. Typically, LASIK surgery is done on both eyes during the same procedure. LASIK involves creating a protective flap of corneal tissue which is then lifted so that the excimer laser can reshape the cornea underneath. The amount of tissue the laser will remove is accurately calculated ahead of time and depends upon the level of refractive error. The surgeon then ensures the flap is safely repositioned without the need for sutures or tissue glue. The cornea and eyelid will naturally hold the flap in place, and the patient returns home to rest. Most patients can see clearly enough to return to work the next day.

Experience the difference.

Is LASIK for Patients with Presbyopia?

For patients with presbyopia (the inability to see both distances and up close typically occurring after 40 years of age), it is important to note that LASIK cannot correct vision so that your eye can see at both distance and near, simultaneously. However, LASIK can be done to allow one eye to see near and the other far, called “monovision.” Ask Dr Kouyoumdjian or your Colorado LASIK optometrist if this is a good option for you.

The Denver Ophthalmology Center

The experts at The DOC can give you information about LASIK eye surgery, and whether or not it’s right for you. You’ll never know if LASIK surgery is right for you unless you talk to a professional.
Call 303-991-9662 or request an appointment today at The Denver Ophthalmology Center!